A Gift To My Family: The Singer / Naymark Family History

I grew up with a deep interest in the history of my family, and have spent countless hours gathering information and writing about what I’ve learned.

When I retired, I became very involved in learning how to create video productions. One of the projects I enjoyed most was producing a family documentary. It was my aim to share what I’ve learned from documents, family records and the many stories I had been told about my ancestors.

This family documentary took on a special direction after a profoundly moving trip I made to Poland with Myra, leading a group of thirty travelers on a mission we called “Routes to Roots”, to learn about our family members who had lived in Poland.

This video is a gift to my family. It is my hope that you may make this heritage one cornerstone upon which you create the dreams and ideals that you hand to your children. Our lives will have been deemed a success when generations from now our descendants look back and say, “I stand stronger and taller because I have built my life upon the ethical, moral and spiritual foundation inherited from my ancestors.”

With love and deep appreciation to my family. I am very proud of each and every one of you.


Eighty-five Years After Kristallnacht—Standing Up Against Antisemitism


Picture Perfect — A Word Poem by Emily