Words of Hope

Spiritual Comfort and Jewish Learning

I encourage you to explore my blog for essays, personal reflections and ideas that inspire spiritual comfort and Jewish learning.

Family Rabbi Merle E. Singer Family Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Thinking of Myra — A Moment in Time

There are some people in our lives who continue to help us and influence us long after they are no longer with us. Myra, my beloved wife of blessed memory, remains a powerful influence in my life.

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Thoughts Rabbi Merle E. Singer Thoughts Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Judaism and Grit

Today’s world is filled with challenges and uncertainties, therefore, the concept of “grit” has gained significant attention.

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Thoughts, Israel Rabbi Merle E. Singer Thoughts, Israel Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Israel and Hope

As the Hebrew month on Tishrei is upon us, it is a time of reflection and an opportunity for each of us to think about what is strong and true in our lives, despite the horrors we are facing in the daily reports on the Hamas—Israel war.

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Israel Rabbi Merle E. Singer Israel Rabbi Merle E. Singer

The Power in Thriving

Where do we go from here? That is the question I am receiving each day. First and foremost, never lose hope. Then, find an organization that supports Israel and donate.

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Rabbi Merle E. Singer Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Supporting Israel Today and Always

This week we faced an unfathomable reality. The situation happening in Israel is complex. Our hearts are in the east while we remain in the west, trying to comprehend the inhumane destruction of our people.

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Family, Transitions Rabbi Merle E. Singer Family, Transitions Rabbi Merle E. Singer

The True Value of a Happy Home

One of the rewards of “downsizing” or going through boxes that have been stashed away in storage is the discovery of things we may not have seen in a great many years. Out of one of the many boxes I have came a sermon that I wrote in May of 1988.

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Bereavement Rabbi Merle E. Singer Bereavement Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Looking Back

As we all know too well, the days are lengthy, yet the years blink by. And so, a year has come and gone since the loss of Myra, and while many could look back with sadness, the rearview mirror reflects much more.  

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Rabbi Merle E. Singer Rabbi Merle E. Singer


For each transition I have faced, I have unknowingly and perhaps knowingly grown and evolved despite my older age. The day we stop learning is the day of our last breath.

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Rabbi Merle E. Singer Rabbi Merle E. Singer

A Glance at Friendships

Friends often become family and if you are lucky enough to understand the compounds of a good friendship, then you've struck gold.

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Rabbi Merle E. Singer Rabbi Merle E. Singer

The Gift of Light

For the Jewish community, the menorah's illumination reminds us of our perseverance, freedom, and the magic of miracles.

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Rabbi Merle E. Singer Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Dreams and Time

The American poet Langston Hughes said, “Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow.”

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Rabbi Merle E. Singer Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Judaism and Relationships

In Torah, Jewish relationships are molded around the essence of belonging, believing, and behaving, each acting as a testament of our faithfulness to ourselves and to others.

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Rabbi Merle E. Singer Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Meditation Matters

The power of prayer and meditation helps us remove a judgmental lens of others but most important, of self.

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Rabbi Merle E. Singer Rabbi Merle E. Singer

Courage and Fear

In life, we will be faced with matters beyond our comprehension. It is how we face those challenges or life situations that ultimately express who we are as individuals.

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