The Power in Thriving

Where do we go from here? This is the question I get every day. First and foremost, never lose hope. Then, find an organization that supports Israel and donate. If you are non-Jewish, reach out to your Jewish friends to connect and find ways to offers support. The fiber of our humanity is found in kindness and in connection.

How do we as Jewish Americans move forward? Even though we may find the news of the war very hard to watch, we must remain connected to each other, and to Israel. You will find daily updates on the Hamas-Israel War on the IDF website here: IDF

It is also important to never stop living your daily life. The enemy thrives when we freeze and do nothing. We cannot permit the monsters to conquer us.

Celebrate Judaism triumphantly each moment and embrace your Judaic pride during these terrible times of war. This is our strength. This is how we survive.

And though we hold strong we also feel the turbulence of feeling helpless because we are so far away. My heart weeps for each child and adult murdered ever so barbarically. My brain can only absorb so much yet I remind myself that I cannot ignore or turn away from that which is so terrible. I need to continue the fight for Israel, to fight for my people, and find ways to fight for the innocent lives affected by war.

This is a time I urge all people to unite. Place anger with peace, place sadness with hope, and find ways to heal the human soul. I, too, mourn what is happening in the East, yet I remain steadfast in my determination to find hope and light in the darkness.

Be strong and let your heart take courage. Hope in Adonai. (Psalm 27:14)


Israel and Hope


Judaism and Growth in the Jewish New Year