Life with Parkinson’s — Merle’s Story Produced for The Parkinson’s 2015 Neuro Film Festival

In 2005 I was told that I have Parkinson’s Disease, and was promised 20 years of an active life.

Now in 2015, with Deep Brain Stimulation, and a regimen that includes taking meds every 2 ½ hours [when I remember to take them] I am navigating an active life, stubbornly refusing to give in to this degenerative disease.

Jon Palfreman’s, book “Brain Storms: the Race to unlock the Mysteries of Parkinson’s Disease”, predicts that we are very close to finding therapies and cures for Parkinson’s and other brain diseases.

This film, “Merle’s Story” was produced for the Parkinson’s 2015 Neuro Film Festival. It is a view of the “what and whys” of my journey with Parkinson’s as I do what I can to “live normal and be myself” till Professor Palfreman’s words ring true.

My appreciation to Lynn University of Boca Raton, Professor Martin Phillips, ski instructor Rob Wills, my doctors and staff – my family - and all who make this intriguing journey possible.


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The History of The Jewish community & Temple Beth El of Boca Raton Florida 1931 to 2011